Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby Paislyn

Today is another day. Hoping, wishing and waiting for Baby Paislyn. This miracle child is my little one month old niece. She was born August 24, 2010. She was 2 weeks premature and her heart developed 3 holes in it, this is the reason why she was transported to Toledo Hospital her first week of being born. She came back home for a week and the one night my sister-in-law found her in her crib, not breathing. They rushed her to the local hospital and then she was rushed by ambulance to Toledo again. They soon discovered she had an infection in her lungs. Now this child is only 2 weeks old and has heart and lung issues. I can tell you right now that she's definitely a fighter. Paislyn has been is Toledo Children's for about a week now and today she was transported to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. On Friday they will do surgery. As of right now she will have a shunt put in one of her heart valves to open it up so the blood flows better to her lungs, this will hopefully get rid of the Pulmonary Hypertension that she has. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers throughout your days. If she's come this far out of such awful things then she sure can come out of this surgery. God has a plan for her, He never gives up. :)

:::Verse of the day:::
LUKE 18:27--- But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

Peace and Blessing,
Sam (the aunt) (:

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